It's been a very busy two weeks for Charm-eleon as we're getting ready to launch our Christmas collection, whilst still trying to create brand new products for our Halloween range! The Christmas products are coming along nicely though with mince pies, Christmas lollies, Christmas puds and chocolate logs all in the making, yum!
As these products are seasonal, there are only a limited amount, so if you see something you'd like to buy for someones prezzy (or as a treat to yourself) Don't forget to get your order in soon. It's great to create limited pieces as it keeps the products personal to you and means that your item is completely unique :)
Speaking of personalised items, we've just finished making a bespoke order for one of our customers and thought we'd share it with you.......
We love receiving bespoke orders and find new and unique ideas exciting! People enjoy wearing something they love and in this case Colman's mustard was the number one choice.
We love these mini pots of mustard what do you think?
Have an idea for your perfect Jewellery item? Get in touch and we'll see what we can do
Lots of love
I think they look great! Good job...